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Grey Limbo

Paper Eggs

The arrival of migrating birds to Europe from Africa is declining rapidly and at this rate, many species will be wiped out from the UK if we don’t do something about it fast. Numbers are decreasing each year because of a possible accumulation of several issues, but loss of habitat and climate change are most certainly the main factors. The loss of trees means loss of habitat, nesting, and food.

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Out of Palms Way

These logs can be made to order.

The clearing of large areas of forest, plantations and peat land in Indonesia, Malaysia and Africa is having a detrimental impact on our planet.

This is happening in order to sustain the demand for the production of palm oil and is causing terrible environmental damage.

Palm oil is very versatile and cheap commodity which is in great demand and is actually very environmentally friendly, being used in the production of goods such as biodiesel, but because such vast areas are being cleared to make way for African palm trees it’s having a truly detrimental effect on the native wildlife in the loss of habitations.

But not just this, communities land is being taken away so they can’t sustain their own food and even fire is being used to speed up the clearing process, another environmental worry that is also certainly accelerating climate change cancelling out the good palm oil could be doing.

Grey Limbo

Paper Coral on Stones, Shells & Driftwood

When coral becomes stressed from pollution or rising sea temperatures caused by climate change the algae that gives the coral it's amazing colours is ejected from the corals tissue leaving it prone to disease, taking away its main food source and most noticeably giving it a bleached appearance. The coral can recover but if the algae doesn't get reabsorbed quite soon after expulsion the coral will die.

Grey Limbo

Paper Sticks & Stones

When I was working on my 'paper eggs' I found that after spending hours and hours cutting, gluing and layering the paper and then sanding them into shape the exiting, interesting part of the process was varnishing the eggs.

This is when they become individual and unexpected colours, detail and 'flaws’ appeared. The 'flaws' are what really make them stand out, make them more attractive and interesting but sometimes with the flaws had to be sanded away to keep the shape of the egg so the idea of 'Sticks and Stones' was born. I can go with the 'flaws', they can define the object in shape, colour and detail.

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Grey Limbo

Invasive Ivy

English Ivy (Hedera Helix) is a species of native ivy which is a versatile plant, being able to cover significant ground and able to climb as well. It grows well in the shade and is ideal for covering barren areas under trees, it crowds out weeds and helps stop ground erosion. its evergreen foliage makes it a great ornamental plant which provides rich nectar for insects and fruit for birds.
But it is considered an invasive weed in Australia and the United States. Due to human introduction as an ornamental plant it has widely spread, invading forests, salt marshes, woodland and fields. Growing at ground level as well as reaching up to the forest canopy, it supresses native vegetation engulfing everything and preventing light from reaching other plant life. 

Grey Limbo

Bleached Coral

‘Bleached Coral’ is a project I worked on during lockdown. It mimics the destruction of coral reefs, to represent the fragility of our oceans.

The bleaching of coral has been interpreted literally for effect but coral reefs suffer a similar fate.

The reefs are being ‘bleached' through the stresses of pollution and rising temperatures which result in the algae that gives coral its colour being ejected, leaving the coral prone to disease.

Although this can be devastating, recent reports suggest this doesn’t always have to be the end!

Given the chance, survival can be a reality for coral that is still alive.

It can repair and flourish once again!

Grey Limbo

Fungi Fabric Sculptures on Wood

Many of these  fabric sculptures are for sale.


PM11: Inspiration

I was commissioned to design and create a wall installation for SAICAs new paper mill with the addition of four childrens workshops which saw the children creating artwork to be incorporated into the installation.

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Grey Limbo

Sea Anemones

Sea anemones are stressed from pollution and rising sea temperatures caused by climate change and by micro plastics. They lose their colour giving them a bleached appearance. Plastic waste is having such a detrimental affect on our oceans. Plastics break down into micro plastics which are getting into everything as they are in our water supplies.

Grey Limbo


'Pods' are based on blood cells. They started out as intaglio/relief prints and where constructed into pods with the ideas of protection, security and comfort in mind, but also about how fragile these things are. First shown as a print assessment, they have since  been shown several times including 'Triple Echo' a touring exhibition in 2008-2009 which showed at the IMPACT Print Conference in September 2009.

Grey Limbo

Flesh Printed Cell Sculptures

'Flesh' is inspired by cell production and represents some of the fundamental things that make us human beings.

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