Framed Transparent Paper Butterflies
Many butterflies are declining due to climate change as they are sensitive to the slightest alterations in temperature. The butterflies are based on species found in the UK but in losing their pattern and colour they are a fading memory, representing what could be lost forever.

Polyps of the Sea Papercut Reliefs

Inspired by corals polyps, tiny genetically identical organisms that form compact colonies.
Coral reefs are formed when a polyp attaches itself to a rock, then it divides into thousands of clones

Plastic Fossil Remains
Plastic Fossil Remains have been created from recycling plastic bags.
The Plastic Fossil Remains resemble fossils but with every piece
of plastic ever created still being here it may be plastic that is
all that remains!

Inspired by English Ivy, this ivy can also be found as single lengths of vine and can be joined together to make garlands, hanging pieces and wrap around decorations.
English Ivy (Hedera helix) is a species of native ivy, a versatile plant, able to cover significant ground, climb and cascade too.
This decorative ivy is a statement on English Ivy, a native & versatile plant which, when introduced to Australia and the U.S. by humans, gained a reputation as an invasive weed. This plant does vast harm to native vegetation, invading forests, salt marshes, woodlands and fields.
Plastic Ivy

Holly-Wood Cross Sections

These can be freestanding, stacked, wall mounted or placed in a deep frame. Various colour sets can also be collected to make large wall installations.
Being made from recycled holly wood produced as a by-product of gardening, these unique pieces serve as a statement on the beauty and detail in nature which escapes the human eye.

Compact Colonies
Compact Colonies are inspired by corals, genetically identical polyps that form compact colonies. These corals can be stand alone pieces or can be grouped to form larger installations as shown in the last photographs. They were created to raise awareness of the need to preserve our oceans. Coral reefs are being lost through the stresses of pollution and rising temperatures at an alarming rate. One of our earths natural beauties is in rapid decline.

Although this installation is on permanent display at Beeldentuin Achter de Westduinen similar installations can be commissoned.
A response to the artificial way beauty is perceived as only skin deep.
The pattern was inspired by microscopic images of inside the human body and was constructed using layers of 'skin' from images of models on magazine pages (fashion, beauty and glamour)
On permanent display at Beeldentuin Achter de Westduinen, in Ouddorp. Shown in their restaurant.
Inner Beauty

Recycled Paper Maps
Recycled Paper Maps are made to order. The patterns within them are based on cross sections of trees and other plant life.

Coral Colonies
When coral becomes stressed through pollution or the rising sea temperatures caused by climate change the algae that gives the coral it's amazing colours is ejected from the corals tissue leaving it prone to disease, taking away its main food source and most noticeably giving it a bleached appearance. The coral can recover from this but if the algae doesn't get reabsorbed fairly soon after expulsion the coral will die. This installation is based on the destruction of coral colonies. I have simplified the coral forms to very basic shapes, stripping them of their colour, only retaining their beauty to demonstrate what we are losing.

Sea Life in Plastic
Sea life in plastic is inspired by the the amazing animal and plant life in our oceans and is created from plastic as that is all we are going to be able to see in our oceans if we continue contaminating it.

Tree Cross Section Wall Hangings

These Tree Cross Sections Wall Hangings are inspired by images of slices of tree trunk under the microscope. They are created mainly from old books to make a statement on the issues of deforestation, bringing the book back to it's origins.

Plastic Coral Reef
These Plastic Coral Reef Wall Hangings have been created by recycling plastic bags.
When coral becomes stressed from pollution and rising sea temperatures caused by climate change the algae that gives the coral it's amazing colours is ejected from the corals tissue leaving it prone to disease, taking away its main food source and most noticeably giving it a bleached appearance.
The coral can recover from this but if the algae doesn't get reabsorbed fairly soon after expulsion the coral will die.
Plastic waste is having such a detrimental affect on our oceans. Plastics break down into micro plastics which are getting into everything as they are in our water supplies.
Cross Sections
I started creating cross sections in the second year of my degree. The beautiful, intricate patterns that can't be seen by the naked eye inspired me to create my own patterns through various mediums. Seeing the microscopic images of plant cross sections, especially trees are like looking into another world. I take inspiration from the images but I don't copy the patterns, there is no point trying to replicate the perfection nature has created!

Pores Paintings
Trees and branches filled with pores found in Cross Section Patterns.

Leaf Drawings
Leaves filled with microscopic patterns.

Animal Magic
I'm working on a new project painting cell normalities and diseases found in animals that are helping us find answers to our own survival and teaching us lessons to prevent future environmental disasters. The patterns found within the animals are based on the findings. When the work has been developed further prints and cards will be available to purchase.

Endangered Species
Tawny Owl
Scottish Wild Cat
This work can also be found on a set of greeting cards that can be purchased separately or as a set
PM11: Inspiration
I was commissioned to design and create this large site specific wall installation for SAICAs new paper mill was produced for SAICA’s PM11 paper mill at Partington, Manchester for the inauguration in April 2013.wall with the addition of four childrens workshops which saw the children creating artwork to be incorporated into the installation.

Butterfly Collection
'Butterfly Collection' was created for a site specific installation in response to climate change.
Many butterflies are declining due to climate change as they are sensitive to the slightest alterations in temperature.

Paper Tree
Commissioned for the entrance of Hamilton Court. Created using recycled paper from old books and magazines.

Blood Cells
I installed an installation that I created in Toronto that was commissioned by Bio Rad.
It's made up of thousands of printed blood cells. It measures 1.5 metres in diameter and had to be pieced together in situ.
