I saw so much great street art yesterday from the Bushwick Collective and from local artists. You could spend days hunting it out.
For this piece our tour guide handed out old Anaglyph 3D glasses to view the work through a lens at a time. Allowing us to see the work as two different pieces that come together without the glasses. Unfortunately a tagger had graffitied across the middle. You would think that just out of respect for others work, time or effort you wouldn't deface the work, rather you would tag to the side or across the bottom, not right through the middle!

I was excited to see this piece, I have definitely seen this artists work before. I couldn't remember who the tour guide said created it but I think I've seen other work in Brighton or Hove maybe. I love the illustrative penciled sketchy look that it has.

I just love, love, love the work by foodbabysoul

There was so much more great work to see, below is just a glimpse of what there was to see.
