I had a meeting at the Roald Dahl centre in the Royal Hospital about my residency proposal. It’s going to be in the waiting area of the Haematology department and I’m to engage with the public whilst they wait for their results. A tricky one I know but I think it’ll be enjoyable as well as challenging. They have had residencies there before including performance art!! The waiting area has quite a lot of artwork already in it from previous residencies/ commissions which are lovely to see.
I’m going to be working on Wednesdays for a month and may be displaying the work around half way through the residency…eeek. With the idea being that it will encourage patients when they see the outcome in an installation rather than singular pieces.
I was told today straight off that it would be challenging which I had expected anyway. I will have an assistant though which should make a lot of difference. For a start I can be showing them how to make the ivy which should encourage others. Plus it’s great if I manage to get a few people participating because it can be difficult explaining things at different stages. I might make a little sign so people are encouraged to edge over in my direction before they commit to making.
I’m probably starting in two to three weeks!